Tolly Last-One-Before-Summer Dock Tales (May 24)
Join us on Wednesday, May 24 from 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. (PST) for our Last-One-Before-Summer Tolly Dock Tales on Zoom.
Ask any questions about the Tollycruisers Rendezvous, discuss your summer cruising plans and enjoy some Tolly friendship. Feel free to join for a few minutes to say hi or grab a square and stay for a while.
More details, including the Zoom link will be emailed to everyone on our Tollycruisers mailing list.
Not on the Tollycruisers mailing list? It’s easy and starts with clicking this link:
Please contact if you have any questions.
Looking forward to seeing you on May 24 as we get ready to kick off the summer Tolly Cruising season with our Last-One-Before-Summer Dock Tales.