2020 Tollycruisers Rendezvous Update
The start of the 2020 cruising season hasn’t exactly been what we were all hoping for but hopefully you are all healthy and able to enjoy sometime on your Tollys.
Maria and I have been in touch with Ron and Tara at Telegraph regarding our upcoming Rendezvous this Labour Day Weekend. Telegraph Habour Marina is open and Ron and Tara are looking forward to seeing us all.
After further discussion with the organizing committee, we plan to proceed with our annual Rendezvous on the Labour Day weekend. It will look and feel quite different so we comply with BC Health Authority recommendations.
We want to keep the tradition of holding our annual rendezvous going so we are proposing a very informal event. There will still be a few activities (like the Poker Run) where we can safely take part in, a few drinks on the dock (as long as we are 6 feet apart) and many laughs like usual. There will be no food events, no catered dinner and no events where we would be gathering in large groups unless safety protocols change by Labour Day.
It will be a very different event this year but we can still carry on the tradition and have a lot of laughs along the way. Oh and by the way, Telegraph has guaranteed sunshine!!! That’s enough to make everyone want to come and join us.
Please give us any feedback/ideas you might have and it would be nice to get a sense of how many boats will join us in September. And for our American Tollys, we realize the border will determine whether you can join us.
Please put a “Save the Date” on your calendars and hope to see you all during the summer and especially on the Labour Day weekend at Tollygraph Harbour!
We will provide some further information towards the end of June when we will hopefully have more information on what we can and can’t do from a health and safety perspective.
Contact: Phil Posehn